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Complaint-free May Challenge - Final Week

Me and My Munchkin: Complaint-free May Challenge - Final Week

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Complaint-free May Challenge - Final Week

Okay, so we are finally at the wrap up of the May challenge, and what a month it has been. This has been one of the hardest things that I have ever done, and I'm sad to say that I have failed, miserably.

I could use the excuse that May has been a horrible month, because it has. In the entire 8 months since I became a single mum, May has been the hardest time physically, and emotionally. I don't want to create excuses though. I am just going to accept that I have not done the best that I could, and keep trying.

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I am not going to continue to follow the challenge like I have been, but I will make a conscious decision to try to complain less, and be much happier for what I have in my life. I am already doing this via my gratitude posts on Facebook every night. They really do make you look for something to appreciate, even when you have had the day from hell.

So I invite you to join me, not in a challenge, but a lifestyle change. Because that is what this really is. It has become socially acceptable to whinge. "Oh my hubby never cooks me dinner anymore" or "I hate the wet weather, there is never anything to do with the kids". Believe me, that second one, I have been guilty of that more than ever since the weather turned cold. If that is something that is bothering you lately, there is a list of 25 things to do on a rainy day here.

It's time to stop focusing on the bad and start finding conversation starters that are actually focusing on the good. Find something else to talk about when you are out with your friends other than complaining that your child won't sleep, or that hubby won't clean up after himself.

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Take the drama out of your life and the victim out of your personality and start living again!

If you want to see my progress throughout the May challenge, here it is:
What is the May Challenge?
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

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