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Bedroom Transformations - Part 2: Master A's room

Me and My Munchkin: Bedroom Transformations - Part 2: Master A's room

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Bedroom Transformations - Part 2: Master A's room

A couple of weeks ago I posted about starting a transformation on both mine and Master A's bedrooms now that my sister has moved out of my bedroom. I have spent a lot of time sorting through both rooms. My bedroom is almost finished, and Master A's is finally completed, all but a couple of finishing touches.

And then.....

I've added some gorgeous jungle curtains over the top of the blinds. These are sunout, to help darken the room for day naps.

Grans cottons for her sewing are still stored on the shelving above, but I hae almost all of the built in desk to store his toys. There are 2 old nappy boxes kept on the desk, 1 has clothes he needs to grow into, and the other is for throwing clothes in that are too small. As Gran still has things stored underneath the desk, we will soonbe putting a brightly covered curtain around the edge of the desk, to conceal all of the stored stuff.

I love putting these bookcases on top of the desk, as it means that when Master A is in bed, he can't reach the toys to play with, instead of going to sleep! One thing that I still need to do is to print out labels for the tubs so that Master A knows exactly what's inside. On the very top I keep his drawing pad and crayons.

On the left bookshelf:
  1. Toys
  2. Building blocks and a couple of books
  3. Train set
  4. Shoe basket and day care communication book
On the right bookshelf
  1. A couple of wooden puzzles and alphabet blocks
  2. Beach toys and games
  3. Books, playdough and a couple more wooden puzzles
  4. Cars

The changetable has an awesome amount of storage, but I found that the more I stored on there, the more Master A loves to pull out and throw around his room when he is in bed. I use an old gift box from my baby shower to store nappies in. Theres a tub for facewashers, and behind that is where I store the swimming nappies, extra packs of wipes and a small stash of bibs in case we ever need to use one.

So there you have Master A's room! He does have a tiny room, so the majority of his toys and books are kept in the lounge room, meaning there is not as much to store in his room. After the couple of finishing touches, including finding some great wall stickers, his room will be perfect for a little boy!

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At 7 May 2012 at 18:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

gorgeous! great job what a transformation!

At 7 May 2012 at 18:50 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

Thanks Sarah I'm pretty pleased with it. I was pretty limited with what I could do with the room but he seems to really love it! Chrissie xx


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