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A Few Changes... and What Do You Want?

Me and My Munchkin: A Few Changes... and What Do You Want?

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A Few Changes... and What Do You Want?

OK, so I am experiencing what they call writers block. It is unusual that I would not have anything to say, but I really don't. Over the next couple of months I will be taking the blog in a bit of a different direction. My life is changing, evolving, if you prefer to use fancy terminology. I am no longer a "single mum". In a few months time I will no longer be living at home with my parents. I will be a part of a family again. I will also be able to start getting my organising groove on, as I will have my own space to organise again.

Of course, Me and My Munchkin will remain a blog about parenting, family life, and chaos. Why would I change the things my loyal readers have been coming here for? I will just be adding in some new "features".

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So I guess what I am hoping from you today, is a few suggestions about what you would love to see at Me and My Munchkin? I want this to be a space where you like to come, where you can laugh at my insanities, but yet perhaps still learn a thing or 2.

So please, do tell. What do you want to see? Organising posts, recipes, menu planning, parenting tips, reviews and giveaways? You tell me, and over the next couple of months, watch Me and My Munchkin transform. I'm so excited to share it all with you!

Linking up this Friday with With Some Grace and Twinkle in the Eye!



At 26 October 2012 at 08:10 , Blogger Rhianna said...

Super exciting times ahead for you then lovely. Look forward to watching it all unfold. My best suggestion about what to write is just write from the heart, what will be will be.

Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses

At 26 October 2012 at 12:43 , Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like many changes coming. Just blog about everything that inspires you, and how things are going as you adjust to the changes possibly?

At 26 October 2012 at 15:12 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

They are definitely super exciting! I wish that I could do them all now, but need to wait!
Chrissie xx

At 26 October 2012 at 15:13 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

There certainly are many changes coming, both on the blog and in my life and I am so excited! I can't wait to share them all with you all!
Chrissie xx

At 26 October 2012 at 21:19 , Blogger Grace said...

Changes are always a good thing! I agree with Rhianna. Just write from the heart. But I think you do that, anyway. Look forward to seeing what in store for you, Chrissie! :) x

At 27 October 2012 at 10:39 , Blogger Bree @ Twinkle in the Eye said...

Just write about the changes in your life and what you learn from them. We all learn that way.


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