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Doing it Alone!

Me and My Munchkin: Doing it Alone!

Friday, 6 July 2012

Doing it Alone!

I have written this post with a fabulous single Mummy in mind. Rachael from Pretty Pink Peony posted earlier this week about feeling a little alone on her journey. So I have put together a list of reasons why it is awesome to be a single Mum. There are so many benefits that often get forgotten in the process of living day to day life. And here they are:

1. Having a whole bed (and doona) to ourselves. This is, of course, unless you have your children sleep with you. In that case, you get beautiful cuddles!

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2. You don't have to share the TV at night. On Wednesday night, as I was cuddled up under the blanket with my favorite 4 girls from the big apple (Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha), I logged into Facebook on the iPad to find many unhappy wives complaining about being stuck watching the State of Origin. I smiled, turned off the iPad, and relaxed with a Vodka Cruiser (nobody to tell me I shouldn't be having a drink!) Bonus points for not having to share the chocolate!

3. When you see a totally hot man at the supermarket, on the street, out for dinner, or in my case building the house next door, you are quite within your rights to flirt up a storm and ask for their number politely strike up a conversation. Who knows, it could lead to a dinner date!

4. You can plan a night out or in with the girls, without having to ask permission. Something I take full advantage of as a single lady!

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5. Cooking a pot of spaghetti or soup for dinner will mean you actually have leftovers for the next day! It did not seem to matter how big a pot I made before, once seconds and thirds were had, there was enough for him to take to work the next day, and that was about it. Now I can get 2 or 3 days meals out of 1 pot!

6. You can wear what you like. I like skinny jeans. Do not ask me why, I just find them comfortable, and love them. My ex, hated skinny jeans. Although I usually don't care what people think of my clothes, I will generally wear them anyway, I got a little sick of 'that look' every time I put them on. It is so nice to know I can wear what I want, when I want.

7. When something breaks, or you need something doing around the house, you can hire a hot tradie, who will do the job right, instead of watching your hubby fiddle around with the toilet in his socks and jocks, only to have no idea what he's doing!

8. When decorating your house, it's only your opinion that you need to worry about. Who wants to argue over which couch to buy? Certainly not me!

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9. You have no one to explain that totally necessary online purchase for a nice new pair of boots that you really couldn't afford. And you will look hot for when the tradie comes round to fix your toilet!

10. You have the time to focus on you, and your hobbies. I love that I have more time to read again. I just made the mistake of reading the Fifty Shades series. So not the book to be reading whilst you are single!

Do you indulge in any or all of these things?
Do you have any others to add to the list?

Linking up for the first time with With Some Grace for Flog Yo Blog Friday

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At 6 July 2012 at 07:37 , Blogger Redcliffe Style said...

I like looking for positives too. Great post. Rachel x

At 6 July 2012 at 10:54 , Blogger The Kids Are All Right said...

When I broke up with my ex I was really looking forward to a good period of time on my own - that experience is invaluable.

At 6 July 2012 at 11:34 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

Thanks love, sometimes you really have to look for the positives in things, especially when it comes to being "alone". Thanks for commenting.
Chrissie xx

At 6 July 2012 at 11:36 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

It really is, isn't it? I broke up with Master A's dad 9 months ago, and although I am open to another relationship, and looking forward to what that may bring, I am enjoying being on my own, and not having anyone to answer to! Thanks for commenting.
Chrissie xx

At 6 July 2012 at 12:53 , Blogger Grace said...

This is a GREAT list!!! Those SATC gals were strong by my side through my single days and you know, when hubby is out and I have the TV to myself (you lucky thing!!) they come out and play. For old time's sake :)
Thanks for linking up! See ya again next week! x

At 6 July 2012 at 13:10 , Blogger Catherine Rodie said...

Welcome to #FYBF! Great list - its nice to look for the positives in every situation.

At 6 July 2012 at 15:55 , Blogger Being Me said...

I get it! How about not having to pick up after an able-bodied adult? I often wonder if that grudge alone is shortening my life expectancy.... ;-)

At 6 July 2012 at 17:30 , Anonymous Lyndal said...

LOVE your perspective! there is always a silver lining isn't there x

At 6 July 2012 at 17:37 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

Can't go past those girls can you? They have got me through many hard days :) Thanks for commenting.
Chrissie xx

At 6 July 2012 at 17:38 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

It is nice. And although sometimes I do miss companionship, I know it's just around the corner, and then I will miss all these things! Thanks for commenting.
Chrissie xx

At 6 July 2012 at 17:38 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

Oooh that's a good one that I didn't think of! There is probably so many more out there! Thanks for commenting.
Chrissie xx

At 6 July 2012 at 17:39 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

There sure is, sometimes you just really have to look for it. Thanks for commenting.
Chrissie xx

At 6 July 2012 at 19:41 , Anonymous Leanne (Boyz Germs) said...

You make me want to be single again! :)

Hope hubby isn't reading over my shoulder right now - oh, that's right, he's watching the footy! :)

At 6 July 2012 at 20:44 , Blogger Elisa {With Grace and Eve} said...

Great post! I'm a skinny jeans lover too! I do think you and Rachael are amazing though! Xx

At 6 July 2012 at 21:15 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

Oh I'm sorry to make it sound so appealing! Maybe I should do a list about all the things that suck about it too! Thanks for commenting.
Chrissie xx

At 6 July 2012 at 21:19 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

Aww thanks Hun! Skinny jeans are awesome aren't they? Shame on any man who doesn't like them! Thanks for commenting. Chrissie xx

At 6 July 2012 at 21:44 , Blogger Tubbah @ Organising: My Crazy Life said...

Hubbys going out tomorrow night and I'm so looking forward to doing what I want to do and nothing else... that and I get the bed to myself :) Go the hot tradies!!! :D

At 6 July 2012 at 22:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skinny Jeans? I LIVE in skinny jeans! So lovely to have you mention me Chrissy, thank you.

Yes there is definitely a silver lining for being alone and single. And it's always good to look at the brighter side of things. Though, I still don't get control over the TV...master Julian rules the roost there (late sleeper) but I don't mind, not big on TV anyway. I love reading in bed, which atm while its cold, I share with beautiful cuddles and he doesn't mind the bed lamp on.

The best thing for me is that I can finally keep a clean house on my own terms, and no more constant picking up after his lazy ass! And I can make decisions for myself without worrying if I'll get slammed for Ex was something straight out of the 50's ...he worked and I was suppost to be the perfect little housewife, with my apron on and duster in my hand and bow down to his every need...only thing was though, he was also of this time and so I was meant to be all that AND work as well! Fark that! A-hole. He had absolutely no idea why it's like to raise a child as hewas hardly home, but that never stopped him putting the stress and pressure on me to do this and that and be like this, and don't do that. I am free, yes, but I'm free of the shackles (my Ex) I was in. I think given the right guy, one doesn't need to have such a sense of freedom. That said, everyone does need there own space sometimes.

Thanks again Chrissy, it was so lovely and thoughtful of you Xx

At 6 July 2012 at 22:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love to you Elisa, thank you Xx

At 8 July 2012 at 20:00 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

You are more than welcome Rachael. I can't know exactly how you feel, but I am pretty sure it is similar to how I feel at times. And I know how it feels to be free of a toxic, hard relationship. It's like the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders.

Hang in there lovely, you are surrounded by love.
Chrissie xx

At 8 July 2012 at 20:01 , Blogger Chrissie Me and My Munchkin said...

I hope you enjoyed your night to yourself! It was always awesome to have those when you live with someone all the time. Thanks for commenting.
Chrissie xx


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