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Helping Out my Bad Memory!

Me and My Munchkin: Helping Out my Bad Memory!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Helping Out my Bad Memory!

Back in my first post Introduction to a Single Mummy, I mentioned being a little passionate about organisation. I am still learning and growing with it all, but I thought I would share a few tips about what helps keep me organised, and as I implement new things, I will share their success or failure with you!

I have the worst memory of anyone that I know. So it’s no surprise that I keep a note of everything. Birthdays are something that I always seem to forget. Facebook has of course, assisted with this issue, but what about the people who (god forbid) aren’t on Facebook?

Using Microsoft Word 2007 I found a template for a birthday calendar. Very plain, and eventually I do plan on jazzing it up a bit, but for now it does the job! I went through my Facebook friends list, along with other family and friends and copied down all birthdays onto my calendar. It is kept on a bulldog clip on my bulletin board. At the beginning of each month I look at whose birthdays are coming up that month, and by my cards all together. I also buy stamps in bulk, and keep these pinned to the bulletin board. That way I can send birthday cards straight out a few days before the birthday.

Also on my bulletin board is my sons Medication Chart. I drew up the document myself in Word, with a column for the medication name, a column for the time of last dose, and a column for when the next dose is due. This has been a life saver during teething, when in my sleep deprived state, I couldn’t remember for the life of me what time Master A had his last dose of Panadol. The chart is laminated so that a white board marker can be used and wiped straight off.  I have created spots for 5 medications, as he could be on any number of medications at once if he’s sick; Panadol, Nurofen, Asthma puffers, or antibiotics. It all depends on your child. The chart could also be altered to suit more than one child.

My last tip for today is the going out bag/important phone numbers checklist. As I live with my parents and sister, this is kept on the fridge, so that it is central should anyone ever need to use it. It contains a list of what goes into Master A’s bag to go out. As we have a Thomas the Tank Engine backpack for him, I carry my own handbag with my own things in it, although on many occasions I have considered changing back to a large nappy bag again, and doing away with the 2 bags. Underneath this is a short contact list with phone numbers. This includes my mobile number, Master A’s dad’s mobile number, the daycare centre, and the doctors surgery. This is mainly here for my family, if I ever leave Master A in their care, they have all the numbers they should need. I have considered updating this checklist to include the after hours doctor and my sons medicare number. It’s all about what works for you and your family. List the numbers that important for your family. If you take your child to their nanna’s house to be babysat, consider laminating a small card with these numbers and leaving it in your child’s bag.

These are just a few things that I do within my family to help things run a little smoother, and assist my bad memory. I would love to hear what you find helps your family to be more organised.

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